SOTL in the South
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)This issue of SOTL in the South features six peer-reviewed articles, three reflective pieces and one book review. These contributions emanate from across the global South, with contributors from Malawi, Indonesia, Lesotho, Mauritius, the Philippines, Canada and South Africa.
Doing Academia Differently
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)This special issue seeks to explore how to ‘do academia differently’ in the interests of justice in higher education. It takes account of theoretical frameworks, teaching methods, research practices, publishing norms, curricular content and the design of courses. The issue consists of nine articles which address different aspect of these areas from a range of disciplines – medical education, literature, visual arts, philosophy, the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education – and from philosophical perspectives that concern humans in their entanglement with natural and technological worlds. The issue opens up a space for the dissemination of alternative ideas, legitimising experimentation for those who wish to do academia differently.
SOTL in the South
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022)This issue of SOTL in the South features eight peer-reviewed articles as well as three reflective pieces. The contributors to this issue come from twelve higher education institutions in three countries: South Africa, India and Singapore.
Beyond the pandemic: Lessons for the future of SOTL in the global South (part one)
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)The third biennial SOTL in the South Conference took place online between November 22 and 25, 2021. The theme of the conference was ‘Beyond the Pandemic: Lessons for the Future of SOTL in the Global South’. This theme was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which raised fundamental and urgent questions for the scholarship of teaching and learning. This special issue of the SOTL in the South journal addresses the question of how the challenges associated with academic life in lockdown and the transition to online teaching and learning have been experienced by students, lecturers, support staff, and academic managers in institutions and across society more broadly. The issue features six peer-reviewed contributions and one reflective piece. This is the first part of what will be a two-part special issue. In this first part, the lens offered privileges the perspective of university management, lecturers, academic advisors, doctoral supervisors, and tutors. The second part of the special issue, to be published in a few months’ time, will place greater focus on student perspectives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SOTL in the South (special issue)
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)This special issue of SOTL in the South is one of the noteworthy outcomes of the September 2017 SoTL Conference on Active Learning Pedagogies in Higher Education, hosted by the Network of Teaching and Learning at the Aga Khan University (AKU), that was held in Karachi, Pakistan.
ISSN 2523-1154
SOTL in the South
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)This is the third issue of the SOTL in the South journal. It includes SOTL work undertaken in Chile, South Africa, Botswana and New Zealand - and book reviews by academics working in Singapore and Australia.
ISSN 2523-1154
SOTL in the South (special issue)
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)The inaugural SOTL in the South Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in July 2017 coincided with the launch of this journal. The conference provided the occasion for this second, special issue of SOTL in the South, which includes a selection of papers submitted for publication after being double-blind peer-reviewed. The inimitable force behind both this journal and the conference was our editor-in-chief, Professor Brenda Leibowitz. Sadly, Brenda passed away on April 26, 2018, just a day after this issue was initially published online.
Brenda was a force for good in higher education, and in her work, she sought out a higher education space that was more caring of its participants: students and teachers alike. Her efforts were aimed at supporting academics – particularly young academics – to engage in scholarly teaching practice, and these efforts are reflected in some of the papers that appear in this issue. Brenda was a friend, colleague, supervisor and mentor to all of us involved in SOTL in the South, and to many others. It is with deep sorrow but also gratitude and pride that we dedicate this special issue to her.
ISSN 2523-1154
SOTL in the South
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)This is the first issue of the SOTL in the South journal. It includes articles by academics from Brazil, Chile, Zambia, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
ISSN 2523-1154