Doctoral supervision in developing countries: desperately seeking the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


  • Pammla Petrucka College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan, Canada



doctoral supervision, low and middle-class countries, models of supervision, higher education


This reflective paper presents a contextual overview of doctoral supervision in low- and middle-income countries. It highlights several models or frameworks used in Western academic settings. Through a critical lens it considers a number of the opportunities and gaps, which may reframe and/or reform doctoral supervision in the low- and middle-income settings. It identifies a significant gap in the evidence and scholarship on the topic of graduate supervision in developing contexts. In the current and evolving higher education milieu and the global emergence of the knowledge economy, the topic of graduate supervision can no longer go without a serious and fulsome discussion.


How to cite this reflective piece: 

PETRUCKA, Pammla. Doctoral supervision in developing countries: desperately seeking the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South. v. 3, n. 1, p. 92-99, Apr. 2019. Available at:


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How to Cite

Petrucka, P. (2019). Doctoral supervision in developing countries: desperately seeking the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South, 3(1), 92–99.